Stej-Head Highlight Series #1

Welcome to our first Stej-Head Highlight article. In this series, we’ll be chatting to our passionate fans and loyal customers about their experiences with boating and Stejcraft. 

If you’d like to be featured, please get in contact with us via our website, Facebook or Instagram.


Name: Tim

Location: Canberra, ACT, Australia

Model: 610 Monaco Outboard Dleuxe, 2018



G'day, Tim! Thanks for making the time to chat with us.

No problem at all! I’ve just finished a 3-day camping trip with my daughter. It rained the whole time but she still enjoyed it!

Oh no! Glad to hear that you still had fun. Okay, let's start from the beginning. Is the 610 Monaco your first boat?

Yes, it’s the first boat that I’ve owned, but by no means my first boating experience. Boating was always a big part of my childhood. My dad and I started to hire boats when I was 8 or 9 years old, and I got to experience some bowriders when I was a teenager. 

Having those memories with my dad and my mates is why I wanted to get into boating once I started having kids of my own. I know the great lifestyle and friendships that you build when boating and I’ve got plenty of mates still waiting to get on board my Stejcraft!

What do you mainly use your boat for?

Mainly we like cruising around Bateman’s Bay and the Tollgate Islands. I love taking my daughter out on the water and going for swims or getting up close and personal with the wildlife. Experiencing dolphins and seals in the wild is one of our favourite things about boating.

We also love sleeping out in the boat. St George’s Basin is one of our favourite places to anchor up for a couple of nights. Having the option for both my daughter and I to comfortably sleep onboard was a huge part of why I chose the Stejcraft 610 Monaco.

Tim’s daughter absolutely loving life onboard the 610 Monaco.

Well, let's get into that. What were you looking for when buying your boat?

There were a few key features that I was looking for, such as a having 6ft cabin, a fibreglass build, a fuel tank with over 100L fuel capacity, and a bait tank. But really I wanted a boat that was flexible, so that we could use if for cruising, fishing and staying out on the bay overnight. Having a toilet and plenty of headspace was important because I needed my daughter to feel instantly comfortable onboard. If this was going to be something we started doing every weekend, it was essential she felt happy onboard.

I also wanted to get a boat that wasn’t just plain white and didn’t look too much like a shed. I wasn’t looking for a mansion, but I wanted to feel pride in my boat and not feel like its just a big piece of metal. 

Were you always looking at getting a Stejcraft?

Actually, no! I had intentions of buying another brand, but when I came to the Sydney International Boat Show in 2018, and visited the other brand’s stall, I was really underwhelmed by both the boat and the team there. They didn’t seem to appreciate how buying a boat is a life changing and lifestyle defining moment. 

I’m so glad that I was able to find Stejcraft as I may never have actually bought a boat otherwise!

So where did Stejcraft come in?

Well, I spent the rest of the boat show looking around, feeling quite dejected and most likely not going to buy a boat. And just as we were ready to leave, I saw the Stejcraft stand and – you’ll think I sound crazy here but – it was like an oasis in the distance. This incredible looking boat that literally made my head turn. 

Sydney International Boat Show – After struggle & disappointment, Tim finds his oasis.

What sold you on the 610 Monaco?

Honestly, it sold itself! It had all the features that I’d been looking for and I knew my family would be very comfortable onboard with such a big deck and cabin space. What really stood out to me though, was the quality finishes. From the upholstery, to the interior, and just the overall unique look and design. The finishes were comparable to that of a much more expensive boat. In fact, the 610 Monaco was $10,000 cheaper than what I’d been looking at previously and looked way better! 

My mind was made up. It was Stejcraft for me.

And we're glad to have you as part of the club, Tim. What are the best things about a 610 Monaco?

For me, it comes down to two things.

  1. How it rides (especially offshore).
  2. The quality finishes.

When I put my deposit down at the Sydney Boat Show, I hadn’t done a water test or anything, so I was banking on the Monaco performing purely from what I’d seen and heard. Thankfully, I was not disappointed. It’s very comfortable and I feel safe and confident taking it on bigger trips. One of the first times I took it out with my Dad, we jetted about 30kms offshore. On the way back, the weather turned nasty and the conditions were pretty scary. We were powering up waves and zooming down like a rollercoaster! From the outset, I felt really confident in the boat’s build and never felt worried, which is a huge thing for me when I’m going to be taking my family out on the water so often.

And then there’s the finishes. As I said, this is what caught my attention originally at the Sydney Boat show. Now my Monaco turns heads every time I take it out! One time, we were heading out early for a trip and I stopped at a petrol station at about 4:00am. Out of nowhere, this guys runs over and asks me, “mate where did you get this boat from?!”. That kind of reaction, especially at 4:00am, really stands out and says a lot about the beauty of the craft. 

What surprised you about the 610 Monaco?

The quality level at the price bracket. At the boat show, I was looking at boats well out of my price range just for inspiration, and the Stejcraft boats bring a lot of the same qualities for a much more affordable price.

Finally, do you have any recommendations for potential future Stej-Heads out there?

Definitely see boats in person. Some of those quality finishes (or lack thereof) can never come across on a website or a video. And don’t limit yourself to the big brands. Stejcraft proved to me that bigger brands aren’t always better. 

And as a general rule for buying a boat, know what you want ahead of time. From features, looks, to where you’re going to store it. All of this plays a massive part in making the right decision for you.


Tim and his family standing proud with their purchase.

Tim, thank you very much. Hopefully, you can get back out on the water soon!

Thank you for tuning into our first article in the Stej-Head Highlight series. We’ll be looking to release these regularly with new stories, insights and opinions around owning a Stejcraft. 

Would you like to be featured? Or do you have a particular question or area that you’d like to know more about? If so, please get in contact with us via our website, Facebook or Instagram.

Happy boating, Stej-Heads!

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